Sunday, December 30, 2012

They Call Him Kentalonius {12/30/2012}

° 12:30am

(1) Today marks year Twenty One of the brother known as Kent./ In case you didn't know well he's the blackest of my friends. (2) Not color wise, he's vanilla toned, but he spits like he was chocolate./ All while representing The Lord that is sovereign. (3) We have had our share fair of unfair ups and problems./ The thing is that we've always came into reconciliation./ (4) Lord, forgive me when to him lately it was more of alienation./ When we need each other while standing apart of God's Nation./ (5) I want to get back to when our fellowship was just basic./ Instrumentals from Pandora. Going back and forth in his car like we were in his basement./

(6) He has a past that I won't describe, but if you knew of him then. / You would know that this gentleman that I speak of is a different Kent./ (7) Raise your hand if you have an amazing best friend./ One who wants to see you reach Jesus while he helps you seek Him./ (8) Or someone who you joked about the sisters with like Rebecca or Elexis,/ toting machine guns like Baptist nuns while saying "Thank Ya Jeeezis"./ (9) Nunchucks involved while defeating Satan and his demons./ While they look so dangerous they do show so much love./ (10) When I'm about to eat, I sometimes ponder if my brother had any grub./ Honestly sometimes I get the feeling that my brother needs a hug./

(11) When it is me and the man known as Kentalony./ We tend be fried like ham, bacon or baloney./ (12) Getting wasted off the vine that is the source for all of we./ I'm still thankful that by fate I can exercise my faith with grace with Emery./ (13) We saw Phil Wickham together and don't forget about Branches at Shoreline that houses Oxy./ We were allowed to worship Jesus and fog windows up because we got intense with the rapping. /- (14) Using the gift of worship since Jesus is our everything,  oh Lord, Oh Lord, Make us sing./ I pray that Kent continues to be open to The Spirit and to dream dreams. / (15) Oh Lord baptize my brother with your fire, make him one that is burning./ I know some people reading this are confused about the things that I'm saying.

(16) This is me basically asking God to touch Kentucky in such an amazing way./ To the point where He is more than compelled to walk towards The Way. (17) Towards the Truth, Towards the Light, Ery' Night while meditation in the Day./ I Love this guy so much that I don't want God to hold back on him not any day,./ (18) Oh My Lord, please shower him with your amazing grace./ Kent Emery is my brother who I wish to tell that he is one who is free, he's no longer a slave./ (19) We are Agape Henchmen. Handlers of Love before a wedding day./ Kent has joy on his face with Luigi's mustache staying in the state that he's unashamed./ (20) Just his heart for Jesus and His People and sinners is something to imitate. / So awesome that we're Jesus Freaks meet Wu Tang & J Dilla who can worship on any stage./

(21) Rapping Jesus to all even if we never even say our names./ Jesus is our focus. Jesus is Kent's focus, That's why we're the two best friends who are brothers who just proclaim./

(22) Also pray that God uses him for today as he preaches at Petra./ Oh, Lord Thank You Again For Blessing me, I praise you Jesus./ (23) For blessing me with an intelligent, influential, talented, guitar playing, rapping, preaching, clownish brotha./ Who is full of you that I'm thankful he shows compassion when I'm not showing love...

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