Sunday, December 30, 2012

Vaguley Forward {12-30-12}


(1) I would like to share with you something that may sound like a maze./ I'm either in circles or running through a phase./ (2) I'm feeling a little foggy all because I come off vague,/ Or I profess what's on my chest way before I should of opened to proclaim./ (3) When it comes to Jesus, I'm straight forward about the things I pray./ One of my many faults is that I get trapped being non direct with Kent or Dave./ (4) Saying Jesus, Professing Jesus comes so much more natural than other ways./ So sometimes I do feel like I come off too unashamed to even those who recognize God's Grace./ (5) Almost like expressing my interests other than Jesus would make them say "Hey"./ This is not me being depressed, or moping just sometimes stating my mind frame./ (6) Like if I would never profess my curiosity and like, then maybe I'd have a chance today./ So used to hanging in that it would be blasphemy to hang out with those who look great./ (7) So what I do is I anticipate when I'm ready in life to be myself and "date"./ So what you hear now is someone who does get afraid, since my tongue and heart profess a certain name./

(8) The only way I can act calm or normal is when I reference Jesus Christ./ That's when I'm so direct. I'm so forward because I realize who is the true light./ (9) At those moments I declare Jesus' life as if I did everyday of my life./ I realize that I have a weakness.. I fear sisters, especially those who are really nice./ (10) Why would I openly admit that for the world, Oh Why?/ I'm letting you know I still have a long way to go even if daily I have a heart cry./ (11) Wanting to set Jesus number one, so It's like for a moment let me be blind. / If that were to happen I still have images in mind./ (12) Fully giving this to Jesus is super hard, I'm not going to even lie./ I'm just here to admit that I struggle day and night./ (13) I suffer because I don't acknowledge Jesus while on water I glide,/ So I fall because I've been thinking and preparing to be that husband in life./ (14) Instead of just living. I opted to think and to strategize./ Pin pointing when I'll be officially ready to receive a wife./ (15) Instead through all of this anguish I should have been fully obeying Christ./ Guarding my heart, but I'm human, I fall. He picks me up.. Yeah that's right./ (16) I sometimes wish I only had emotions for my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ./ Life would be so much better, (Lying) then I would probably not understand certain aspects of life.

(17) I just need to think of Jesus and when be more forward at opportune times. / It's not really helping that I'm vague in real life, yet descriptive in my rhymes./

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