Monday, April 1, 2013

True Surrender {4-1-13}


[1] At this point I'm finally able to get some kind of quiet time./ Kind of hypocritical since I'm still leaking with rhymes./ [2] This time will be to the one who most certainly does shine./ The more I search for Him, the more myself I find./ [3] Just like any other human I carry baggage or things come to mind./ Movies that are horrendous, and I just don't mean the nudey kind./ [4] Our culture zooms into shows that display human lives./ Even if it is reality it's not a way to even govern our insides./ [5] Just because something tastes good does not mean you should have a slice./ I say this with pain as I have two open rotting teeth on both sides./ [6] When I say that I can handle the sugar then I'm speaking with pride./ My health is suffering since I was eating candy, and ouch on my bottom left side./ [7] What I'm saying that we as people need to be so much more wise./ What we put into our bodies may corrupt our hearts and defile our minds./ [8] This is why with everything we encounter we must confront Christ./ Some of you feel like that's stupid, but from experience I say it's stupid to believe your own lies./ [9] We all need to wake up and be those who surrender day and night./ So what if you worship like cray on Sundays, After Church what is your Heart Cry./ [10] I know we all have  struggles, but we're not muggles,  we're in Christ./ We have Holy Spirit inside of us. Let us access Him, instead falling so easily.. COME ON CHURCH LET US SURRENDER & FIGHT./ [11] The best way we die daily is everyday giving everything to Christ./ Also when you fall look for His hand, I mean He is right there by your side./ [12] I say this with Love. I'm tired of seeing a Luke Warm Bride./ Let Us Surrender as a Body to Our Husband, To Our Jesus, The Christ.

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